Sunday, July 11, 2010

TME strikes back!

A great news for everyone who's interested in the 64-bit SPARC emulation (sun4u)!

After a nearly 3 years long pause Matt Fredette released the new version of TME - The Machine Emulator. Matt has skipped the sun4m emulation, which I think makes sense, because meanwhile qemu emulates sun4m pretty well (and fast!). Therefore the current list of the supported platforms is sun2, sun3, sun4c and sun4u. The only sun4u machine which tme can emulate is Ultra 1, so don't hold your breath for OpenSolaris support just yet.

But at least it can boot NetBSD 5. Also it uses the original OBP (not OpenBIOS) which implies that the emulation is pretty close to the hardware. It also seems to emulate cg6 graphic adapter which is much more powerful than qemu's tcx. Less powerful than Bob's cg14, but it's not yet included in the official git master anyway.

As for the OpenSolaris: it doesn't support the Ultra-1 and Ultra-2 machines. But! You can give a spin to Martux, the hacked OpenSolaris distribution which does have a support for the early Ultras.


Jason Stevens said...

I've always liked TME but it's so .... complicated to configure & build.....

atar said...

That's true. But the following screenshot looks motivating:

Anonymous said...

в ответ на

- в куче всякого-разного обнаружились SunOS 4.1.3 source.tar.gz и SunOS 4.1.3 sunsrc.tar.bz2 - если надо, пиши :)

atar said...

Мне бы исошник. Сомневаюсь, что его можно легко из сырцов собрать.