Saturday, April 6, 2019

AIX/PReP under QEMU How-To

AIX/PReP under QEMU How-To

Fetch the 40p-20190406-aix-boots branch and  compile qemu-system-ppc:

configure --target-list=ppc-softmmu

download the OFW image q40pofw-serial.rom configured  for the serial line.

create an empty hard disk image:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 aix-hdd.qcow2 8G

Concerning the VGA graphics: OFW can utilize the S3-Trio emulation done by Hervé, but AIX 5.1 can’t use it yet. For now, the serial line rules, but if you feel adventurous you can try using it omitting  the -vga none -nongraphic part.

qemu-system-ppc -M 40p -bios q40pofw-serial.rom -serial telnet::4441,server -hda aix-hdd.qcow2 -cdrom
/path/to/aix-5.1-cd1.iso  -vga none -nographic

Then in another terminal window:
telnet localhost 4441

The following text will appear:

QEMU PReP/40p, Serial #0, 128 MiB memory installed
Open Firmware, built  April 06, 2019 17:47:55
Copyright (c) 1995-2000, FirmWorks.
Copyright (c) 2014,2017,2019 Artyom Tarasenko.

Type any key to interrupt automatic startup
Boot device: /pci/ethernet  Arguments: 
The DHCP server did not specify a boot server

Boot load failed


Once you see the “ok” prompt, type

ok boot cdrom:2
Then be patient, it takes some minutes till the first greeting appears and then some more before the installer starts.
Then answerer the installer questions. On my machine the copy process takes nearly one hour. At 93% it stalls after installing “mtools” for something like 10 Minutes, and then for another 10 minutes after “FAILURES” section, but don’t panic, eventually it will continue.

Once the install is done the emulated machine reboots to the “ok” prompt again. Type

ok boot disk

Supported AIX versions

I tested it with AIX 5.1 only. In theory it might work with 4.3.3 – 5.1 (a smoke test shows that at least the installer does start with AIX 4.3.3), let me know if you tested it. The 6015 support was officially discontinued in AIX 5.2, and probably the corresponding drivers were removed. I haven’t looked it up, as I don’t have a 5.2 media.

Networking in AIX 4.3.3 - 5.1 under QEMU

It looks like the PCNet driver (aka kent) is broken in AIX. I think the "busio" value used to look different in the previous versions. The networking can still be set up though. After performing the install, login as root and do the following (^D and ^C are Control-D and Control-C respectively):

# cat > lance-chg.asc
        name = "ent0"
        attribute = "busio"
        value = "0x01000000"
        type = "O"
        generic = "D"
        rep = "nr"
        nls_index = 3
# odmchange -o CuAt -q "name=ent0 and attribute=busio" lance-chg.asc
# rmdev -l ent0
# mkdev -l ent0
# ifconfig en0
# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=3 ms

If you try it with adifferent AIX version, before changing the busio, check first whether you have to modify it:

odmget -q "name=ent0 and attribute=busio" CuAt

In case  you get

value = "0x01000000"

you don't have to change it.

Your feedback is welcome!

Last updated on 2020.02.07


GeoKM said...

Hi Artyom,

I get most of the was through. then it dies with the following on boot. 8-()

AIX Version 5.1
Illegal Trap Instruction Interrupt in Kernel
.reset_decr+00014C twnei r5,0 r5=00000001


This is on an Ubuntu 16:04 Linux AMD Turion(tm) II Neo N40L Dual-Core system.

atar said...

Are you building a master branch instead of the 40p-20190406-aix-boots ?

Alexander Shukin said...

Спасибо огромное! Великолепная работа!
AIX 5.1 установилась и загружается с образа жесткого диска (сделал в формате vmdk через VMWare). Устанавливал без параметров -vga и -serial,через последовательную консоль qemu. Но после установки выяснилось, что клавиатура работает неадекватно в начальных настроечных меню AIX. Через telnet в терминале все нормально.
Не понял пока, возможно ли ходить в интернет из AIX. Автоматически не настраивается, хотя какие-то 2 интерфейса в меню присутствуют. Вероятно, драйверов для сетевых карт qemu в AIX нет?
Если интернет заработает, графику можно попытаться получить через telnet в терминале, как для ранних версий SunOS делалось.
AIX 5.2 у меня тоже нет, как и версий 4.х. Только 5.3. Еще fix pack'и для 4.3.3, 5.1 и 5.3. Но с них, наверное, не установишь систему с нуля. 5.3, впрочем, для других машин уже.

GeoKM said...

Hi Artyom,

I think so

keith@Arya:~/src/qemu$ git status
On branch 40p-20190406-aix-boots

I did a git clone, then a
git checkout 40p-20190406-aix-boots

then the .configure, make etc etc.

Alexander Shukin said...

Strange, for git status shows the correct branch.
I have it working OK. I did 'git clone --branch 40p-20190406-aix-boots --single-branch', then ./configure --target-list=ppc-softmmu, then make. I am on MacOS 13.16, though.

Alexander Shukin said...

MacOS 10.13.1, correctly

atar said...

@GeoKM This looks weird.
- Is the date set correctly on the host?
- Do you have another machine to try it on?
At the KDB prompt, can you type
and post the output here?
Also can you run

qemu-system-ppc -M 40p -vga ?

(the question mark is the part of the command line) and post the output here?

atar said...

@Alexander Shukin there is a way to setup the network. It may even work out of the box with AIX 4.x. I think AIX 5.1 has a bug in ne2k driver. Will update the how-to about it.

GeoKM said...

Hi Artyom,

I have it working 8-) Yay1

I deleted the lot and started again using Alexander's git clone method of just pulling the branch I need.

All seems ok, took nearly 4 hours to install thought hehehehe 8-)

Thanks heaps.

Casey Jones said...

Really great, I also did the build wrong and then used Alexander's git clone method.
Tried 5.1 and worked great. trying 4.3.2 (I dont have 4.3.3) and so far seems to be infinite wait at 'Boot device: /pci/scsi@1/disk@2,0:2 Arguments:' message, have waited about an hour so far, I will leave it overnight. Tomorrow I will try 4.1 or 4.2 install. Thanks for the great work.

atar said...

@Casey, Thanks for testing! I doubt waiting overnight would help. Can you please try

load cdrom:2

(instead of "boot") and see if it gets to the "ok" prompt (it may restart and continue automatically). If it doesn't get to the "ok" prompt, there must be a bug in my firmware.

Alexander Shukin said...

@GeoKM My installation took about half an hour in reality, but system in qemu told it was 5 hours 38 minutes, when 93% was done))). Something wrong with timer I think. I have i5 4200.

Casey Jones said...

Hi, after the load cdrom:2 it displays the messages and almost immediately comes up with an ok. When it was appearing hung or paused it was using 100% cpu. I had already waited about 4 times as long as any delay on 5.1. I will test other versions in the morning. I am in New Zealand so it is almost midnight here. Thanks. Regards Casey

Alexander Shukin said...

I really can't imagine how the networking can be setup! I tried all possible NICs. The 'lsdev -C' command shows ent0 available only for pcnet NIC, but en0 and et0 (logical devices) are defined only. As well as dxme0 and rcm0 (logical devices for graphics), while iga0 (physical device) is available. I found this: . It's about graphics in AIX 5.2, but looks exactly like our case.
Tried -net user mostly, but once or twice -net tap, too (with sudo qemu).All the same. I want to understand more about networking, qemu and many other things in life)))

atar said...

Have a look into the networking section of the How-To. :-)

Casey Jones said...

I tried network but I get an error when I do the mkdev -l ent0
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgkent):
0514-050 Cannot perform the requested function because the
specified device was not detected.
I am only quessing that I do not have the qemu -net command correct ?
lsdev -C shows ent0 as
'ent0 Defined 04-03 IBM PCI Ethernet Adapter (22100020)'
I have tried a few -net options but nothing changes.
Regards Casey

Casey Jones said...

I just tried 4.2.1 and it is the same as 4.3.2
both come back with a ok if i do load cdrom:2
I added -d guest_errors to the command line
and just after "Boot device: /pci/scsi@1/disk@2,0:2 Arguments:"
is displayed in telnet the primary task displays
"invalid/unsupported opcode: 00 - 00 - 00 - 00 (00000000) 07ea6390 1"
this is the same for both versions.
Thanks - regards Casey

Casey Jones said...

Hi, My apologies, That is also displayed on a good aix5.1 sequence.
Regards Casey

Alexander Shukin said...

I am reinstalling AIX 5.1 now as it became non-bootable (or maybe long-booting? have no patience to wait) after yesterday experiments installing additional software from 5 AIX CDs. Good news is that software may be installed via smitty while I haven't found a way to mount CDs in AIX yet (I am completely new in AIX world). As I made installation of all available software, system defaulted to boot into graphical desktop, which made it inconvenient (though possible) logging to text console.
At that moment I saw the new Artyom's post concerning network and tried to configure it. I tried it 3 times manually. Either because I was not attentive enough (it was very late at night) or because I used Tab symbols within cat command (maybe Spaces were needed?), but I failed. odmget command showed 0x1000000 value instead of 0x01000000. Then I pasted-copied all commands from the How-To and this time succeeded! Pinging the host worked! I wanted more and via 'smitty tcpip' configured DHCP network.Probably it was necessary to reboot but I didn't do that and entered 'telnet' on the command line. At first the site was accessed but next the connection disrupted and 'bus error' appeared. Network disappeared. Cold reboot didn't work and after hot reboot I couldn't get the command line in reasonable time.
So, now reinstalling the system). Will try on)

Alexander Shukin said...

Well, the system is reinstalled). And again, I've tried several times to make it right manually and finally succeeded! Tabs under cat command may be used. My mistake yesterday was typing 0 instead of O in type = "O" string. Now pinging the host works!

Ha, it's too good to be true! I couldn't open smitty ( it could not create temporary file), could not return to shell and reboot and hot reboot gives me this:
Starting tcpip daemons:
0513-059 The dhcpcd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 3156.
0513-059 The syslogd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 4646.
0513-059 The sendmail Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 4172.
0513-059 The inetd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5420.
0513-059 The snmpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5174.
0513-059 The dpid2 Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5678.
0513-053 The System Resource Controller is having socket problems.
If you specified a foreign host, try configuring Internet sockets and
try your command again, otherwise contact System Administration.
Finished starting tcpip daemons.

The cursor's winking, no login prompt. Seems like I'll have to reinstall again)

Alexander Shukin said...

I've restored my system by entering maintenance mode from CD. Just moved /etc/dhcpcd.ini.bak to /etc/dhcpcd.ini and system booted.
Now, again, I tried to configure network in smitty tcpip.No DHCP this time. I had to specify parameters by one: first, hostname, then IP (, next default gateway ( Nameserver could not be adjusted (command failed). After returning to shell I could ping host and (my router) but could not ping, say, (Google). I decided to change the gateway to, but smitty hanged up, I had to hot reboot and now I get a new surprise:
Starting tcpip daemons:
0513-059 The dhcpcd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 4178.
0513-059 The syslogd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 4400.
0513-059 The sendmail Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 4652.
0513-059 The portmap Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 4904.
0513-059 The inetd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5160.
0513-059 The snmpd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5418.
0513-059 The dpid2 Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5676.
0513-053 The System Resource Controller is having socket problems.
If you specified a foreign host, try configuring Internet sockets and
try your command again, otherwise contact System Administration.
Finished starting tcpip daemons.

What the hell?! Why socket again? System is unmanageable again! Don't know how to restore. Have a break:-)

Casey Jones said...

I have tried a lot of combinations. Best sofar is
I have tried fixed ip address on aix side. on host I have tried tap device.
I get occasional packets. I may get a few pings answered. I might get to a telnet password prompt. Nothing consistant. Before doing anything I copied my .qcow2 file so I can simply copy it back at any time. Probably giving up for 24hours or so.
Regards Casey

atar said...

@Casey thanks for testing! This reduces the supported versions to 4.3.3 - 5.1. Unless anyone has a 5.2. to try.

@Alex do you know that you can use qemu -snapshot option before testing something dangerous? Another alternative is using a backing files. After performing an install I create another qcow2 which uses the clean-install.qcow2 as a backing store, and don't touch the clean-install.qcow2 anymore until I know it's safe.

One dumb idea why the system may get into the unusable state. Have you checked the disk space? Maybe 8 GiB is not enough for your software? Or maybe something keeps flooding the log files?

atar said...

@Casey I don't use any extra command line options for the network. I suspect the inconsistency may come from the bad timing. At the moment the time in guest is rushing.

atar said...

Concerning the time rush. If you'd like to help getting this problem fixed, please test qemu with the proprietary firmware P12H0456.IMG . The proprietary firmware can not boot AIX (at least 5.1, haven't checked the others), but it should be able to boot Linux/PReP or NetBSD/PReP.

So, once you manage to boot anything with P12H0456.IMG, please check if it has the time rush as well. If there is a time rush with the proprietary firmware, then the bug is on the QEMU side. If not, it must be in my OFW.

Anonymous said...

This is impressive, thank you!

Casey Jones said...

Thanks. I will try the P12H0456.IMG tomorrow. eg: about 12hours from now.
Thanks Regards Casey

Alexander Shukin said...

Time rushing, yes. it may cause troubles. I will test the firmware some later.
Another thing. I am pretty sure that current default NIC for qemu is pcnet, not ne_2k (as it was before). Although your fixes improve its work. no doubt, but maybe not enough as they were made for ne_2k? I want to try specifying ne_2k on the qemu command line.
Also later, now I have some other things to do.
As for duplicating disk images - yes, you're right, I usually do the same, but now I'm in a rather glad agitation (for having AIX emulated has been my dream since 2015 and it comes true!) and I forget and confuse much (I wrote I have i5 4200 while it is 2400 really, for example:-))

Alexander Shukin said...

I checked my supposition about ne2k and no, installing the system with ne2k_pci brings to absence of any network adapters and interfaces except lo.
The problem should be in time rushing probably.
And yes, the default NIC is pcnet.

atar said...

Ops, you are right, "kent" is pcnet. I've erroneously named it ne2k. Can you take a look into the hardware list AIX 5.1 supports. Maybe there is support for any better NIC QEMU has?

Alexander Shukin said...

Where can it be found?
Though, I've tried all qemu NICs with AIX and ent0 becomes available with pcnet only.

atar said...

Either docu, or, the hard way: on the AIX CD look up usr/sys/inst.images/devices.pci*. Translate the half words from from little endian: i.e. devices.pci.00100300 is a pci device with a vendor id 1000 and device id 0003.

Alexander Shukin said...

As AiX is not distributed separately from hardware, there's almost nothing definite about it in, say, Release Notes.
There is something about UNsupported hardware:
AIX 5.1 Unsupported Devices and Machines
The following devices and machines are not supported on AIX 5.1:
v AIX Ultimedia Services Audio and Video devices
v PCMCIA device support
v 2707 Eicon ISDN DIVA MCA Adapter
v 2708 Eicon ISDN DIVA PRO 2.0 PCI S/T Adapter

Also:AIX 5.1 Unsupported Functions and Filesets
The following functions and filesets are not supported on AIX 5.1:
v 7318 Model P10/S20 Serial Communications Network Server
v AIX Xstation Manager
v AIX Version 3.2 Network Installation Tools
v Remote Customer Support and Services
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2003 33
v SOMobjects Base Toolkit
v Information Presentation Facility Runtime
v X11.vsm.helps
v X11.vsm.icons
v X11.vsm.rte
v libipfx.a
v The 7318 Serial Communications Network Server that provides serial and parallel connectivity to
Ethernet Networks
v Network Terminal Accelerator
v The 9333 Serial Link DASD Subsystem
v devices.pci.b7105090
v devices.mca.6336
v devices.pci.331101e0

and one more quotation:
Supported Devices
Device Driver support for EEH is limited to the following devices that are supported by AIX 5L for POWER
Version 5.1:
v Storage Adapters:
– Fibre Channel (6227)
– Fibre Channel (6228)
– Fibre Channel (6239)
– PCI Ultra SCSI Devices
– PCI Dual Channel Ultra3 SCSI Adapter (FC 6203)
– PCI Dual Channel Ultra2 SCSI Adapter (FC 6205)
v Communications and connectivity (PCI bus type):
– Token-Ring PCI 4/16 Adapter (FC 2920 and 4959)
– IBM Ethernet 10/100 Mbps (FC 2968)
– 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter II (FC 4962)
– IBM 4-Port 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet PCI Adapter (FC 4961)
– 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet PCI Adapter (FC 2975)
– Gigabit Ethernet (FC 2969)
– TURBOWAYS 622 Mbps PCI MMF ATM Adapter (FC 2946)
– 2-Port Multiprotocol PCI Adapter (FC 2962)
– 8-Port and 128-Port 232/422 Async PCI Adapters (FC 2943 and 2944)
– IBM Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-X Adapter (FC 5700)
– IBM 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter (FC 5701)
– IBM 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter (FC 5706)
– IBM 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-X Adapter (FC 5707)
v Encryption adapters:
– IBM PCI 4758 Cryptographic Coprocessor Card (FC 4958 and 4963) *
– IBM Crypto Accelerator (FC 4960) *
v Graphics and miscellaneous
Chapter 2. AIX 5L for POWER Version 5.1 21
– GXT135P Graphics Adapter (FC 2848) *
– USB Open Host Controller (FC 2737) *

To try the hard way I haven't yet learned mounting CDs inAIX :-)

atar said...

Don't need mounting it under AIX, it's an iso9660 cd :-). Linux can do. Even Windows, maybe can work.

Alexander Shukin said...

OK, I'm on MacOS, BetterZip archiver opens them. DiskImageMounter doesn't, for some reason.

Alexander Shukin said...

Hmm, I see how to read the vendor/devices ids, but haven't found a way to interpret them. bacnet provides decimal ids.Though inconvenient, it can be used. But what about device ids?
Well, now I've figured out that I need to reboot each time I assign any value via smitty tcpip. I have IP, netmask and default gateway assigned, but cannot adjust nameserver. And I can ping evrything, it seems.Though many packets get lost. And I managed to telnet to (my router). But after pinging I lose execution rights. cannot even reboot:
ksh: reboot: 0403-006 Execute permission denied.
I have to press ^D, reset machine from qemu menu, close qemu and start it again.
So I can use digital addresses only as DNS isn't configured.

atar said...

Are using the qemu usermode network which is 10.0.2.x and your home network uses the same addresses? This may provide some surprises. Or are you using tap?

Loosing execution rights is really weird. Must be a kernel crash, I guess. Have you tried observing the disk space? "alog" may provide some hints too.

Concerning the PCI numbers, you can check them here: . On the other hand I suspect the most AIX NICs would have the IBM vendor id. But there is a chance they used some convenient chips under their label. Don't know how to find that. Linux and NetBSD boot logs from the IBM machines may give some insights on what is what.

Casey Jones said...

I also lost execution rights once. I am using tap interface. I get similar results. I have about 48hours before I leave on a 10 day trip. When I return I want to do a lot of study. It is 10 years since I was using aix assembler. I have ordered a nice 16 core/128gig memory ryzen box as a toy to play with and will probably have about a year to play with all this stuff nearly full time. I am hoping to learn a lot and refresh a lot. I hope to test the firmware today. regards Casey

Casey Jones said...

Hi, I cant find a good boot combination with that bios.
I tried sandalfoot CD with no bios specified (OpenBios 1.1) on standard qemu 3.1 and clock runs fast. Sleep 60 takes 15 seconds. I tried this on your aix qemu and same timing sleep 60 takes 15 seconds. In both cases machine type was 40p. Then as I do not know how much code is common I tried debian_wheezy_powerpc (openbios 1.1) with standard qemu3.1 (no machine type specified) and sleep 60 was 60 seconds. Also tried on qemu aix version (no machine type specified) and sleep 60 was 60 seconds. In both cases on debian the tap network was rock solid. How do I tell what the default machine is. ? I guess the issue is in qemu 40p code. - Thanks Regards Casey

Casey Jones said...

I think the default machine is mac99 so I set that and repeated the debian test. Same result both standard and aix qemu versions (ith openbis 1.1) have good time and tap interface is rock solid.
I will try a aix5.2 install later today. Regards Casey

Casey Jones said...

Hi, I tried aix5.2 and got the following message
ok boot cdrom:2
Boot device: /scsi/disk@2:2 Arguments:
Can't open disk label package
Can't open boot device
The same with a boot or load command.
Thanks - regards Casey

atar said...

With AIX 5.2 cd can you post the output of
.partitions cdrom

Thanks for your tests. Maybe the clock rush and the PCnet problems are independent.

Alexander Shukin said...

Yes, I've used usermode network so far, but my home network is 192.168.1.x.
I've managed to telnet to ( and even start starwars there but very soon "command is respawning too rapidly" appeared and connectiion stopped. Suppose with tap network it should be better. Will try it next.
Execution rights are lost each time I use ping, sometimes after telnetting.
Something about disk space is wrong. At least when I type 'vi etc/filesystems' the editor complains about insufficient space. Disk image (in vmdk format) is 543M in size only. It's far less than 8G yet.
About AIX supported qemu NICs. I think I know the truth). qemu supports attaching up to 8 NICs at once. And in smitty>devices there is a section "Install/configure devices plugged after IPL" or alike. I've tried it with all qemu NICs (attached by several at once) and failure reports were about missing filesets (with numbers) on installation media (cd1). After reboot no new ent devices appeared in lsdev -C command.
So I think no qemu NICs except pcnet are supported in AIX 5.1.

Alexander Shukin said...

In theory, vendor/model of a NIC can be changed in qemu source to make AIX think it's a supported one but will it work? Only if the driver fits, that is, if chips are very similar. Too hard for me to do:-)

Casey Jones said...

ok .partitions cdrom
Partition Region Boot Format Size (MB)
1 Primary Yes 0x96 633

Thanks - Regards Casey

atar said...

@Casey, so there is no partition 2. The only chance to get it going is

boot cdrom

atar said...

@Alex, multiple slots, hmm. Forgot to mention, that my OFW supports just one additional slot (as I could not find any device to put in anyways, I thought one should be enough). But then again the devices in further slots would be detected, the only missing part is the interrupt handling.

On the other hand, the newer AIX versions do support the virtio network, right? I wonder if it's possible to make the drivers work under 5.1.

Casey Jones said...

Hi, Is ok to PM you on facebook,? (I found your facebook page)
Regards Casey (Ken Jones)

Casey Jones said...

I sent you a facebook pm.
If we need to it should be relatively easy to write a device driver for AIX that
gives us what we need. There is docs on writing aix device drivers. Something for me to think about and study while I am away. Probably worth looking at clock issue first. Very quick timeouts would cause many issues. The sandalfoot clock was 15sec instead of 60 seconds but aix was about 8 seconds instead of 60seconds. That makes for very quick timeouts. Regards Casey

Alexander Shukin said...

It seems the message "command is respawning too rapidly" I often see in AIX also has to do with that.

atar said...

@Alex "command is respawning too rapidly" is about lft0, right? You just need to un-configure/disable the low function terminal.

Alexander Shukin said...

yeah,quite right! disabled. Much better without it,thanks!

Alexander Shukin said...

Hmm, it returns every time. After login TERM is set to 'dumb', I want it to be vt320, tried to set it in etc/profile, /etc/rc, etc/environment, no result.

atar said...

You've got PM. And for the things like TERM I think might be a good place to ask.

Alexander Shukin said...

Found a solution to TERM and lft incoveniece.Just inserted 'rmdev -l lft0' and 'TERM=vt320;export TERM' into .profile. Now it's satisfying.)
Tried your new FW image. Seems like the system works slower. It comes slower to OK prompt and also slower to login prompt.And after login it's slower.Though it's strange for me - I've always thought OSes don't use any programs from FW (except MS DOS or similar).
But it looks like time is ticking correctly (6 5 4 3 2 1 before OK prompt feel like real seconds).
Ping works slower,too. transmitting packets time(shown) is from 33 to 16000 ms (while with older FW from 44 to 4000 ms). The percentage of lost packets is from 15% to 29% (from 50% to 86% with older one).
Artyom, I remember the time when you only started playing with 40p. Then when I tried to reach KDB from AIX 5.1 disk after you I had to increase the CPU frequency in qemu source for more than 100 times to get to the prompt in reasonable time.Could something like that be done with timer? I know from that timing is wrong now in mac99 and and g3beige machines, too.
Rights for executions after pinging are lost as well.

Alexander Shukin said...

It has come to me suddenly: virtio driver for AIX 7.2 is for 64 bit machines. But 40p is a 32bit one.Hardly it will work. Unless it is open sourced. Then it could be edited.

atar said...

True, if it's not open sourced, we can't re-use it.

Alexander Shukin said...

That driver could,in theory, work in 7.1 or in 6.x but there almost certainly is another problem. Once upon a time I tried to use usb drivers from Windows XP in NT 4 and the system told there was no kernel support for it. To add that to Windows kernel was(and still is) much too high for me. The same goes for AIX:-).

atar said...

Concerning the timer: the problem is that it's already too fast. Making the speed normal would slow the things down. Imagine there is a "sleep 10" in a start-up script. With the clock rush it would be something like 2 seconds. The same happens with all possible timeouts. So, maybe we should try to find out if we currently hit any timeouts, and try improving the emulation the way that the hardware responds (with ack or nack) before the timeout is hit.

Alexander Shukin said...

Still, as virtio is well-documented, a high-skilled AIX programmer could write the drivers from the scratch I suppose.

atar said...

Yes, virtio requires just PCI and DMA. And we have both, so that should be possible.

Casey Jones said...

I like the idea of looking to see if we are relying on any timeouts and changing things so we do not wait on the timeout. It makes sense. Doing a device driver would be a interesting project, but for me the learning time will be extensive. The code does not bother me but coming up to speed on the overall environment will be considerable. It is something I will think about in time but it is likely someone else will beat me to it.

atar said...

Fixed clock rush and PCNet irq routing in the OFW, updated the links in the how-to.

Alexander Shukin said...

Looks like the link for FW is broken&

Alexander Shukin said...

A correct link:

Alexander Shukin said...

Tried the new firmware. Works a charm! The network is fast(although user mode), no losing execution rights so far. Accessed in a second, started starwars(an asci movie), everything's alright. Want to try tap network and 2 NICS simultaneously. It failed for me with older FW.
Artyom, you're a champion!:-)

atar said...

Thanks for the feedback! Glad it works. And thanks for reporting the broken links. Fixed them.

Alexander Shukin said...

Succeeded to start 2 tap networks: a bridged one for global network and the other for local net. (I don't know any way for IP forwarding in MacOS like it may be done in Linux, so a tap device may be configured either for local networking or for global net only). Managed even to start xterm from the guest AIX system on host! Next step is graphical desktop over network>

Astr0baby said...

Wanted to say thanks ! Really amazing work, tried both AIX 5.1 and AIX 4.3.3 and all work. Currently Im going to try 5.3.

Astr0baby said...

Runnig /usr/bin/X11/xdm inside the AIX emulation (make sure network is up for example you can get the remote X11 from the host via Xephyr -screen 980x640 -ac -query :3

Casey Jones said...

absolutely fantastic, what a great achievement, works fantastic. Regards Casey

Alexander Shukin said...

For some reason each time I reboot my second tap interface ent1 takes the value of 0x1000120. Have to manually change it: odmchange -o CuAt -q "name=ent1 and attribute=busio lance-chg.asc (file edited for ent1). Then I can configure en1 (for local network).
I use 'Xephyr -screen 800x600 -ac :1' on the host to start X applications. However I have to 'export DISPLAY=' in guest. Next I can start xterm. It works correct though complains for missing fonts. I can also run startx and get a simple desktop with aixterm, the one Astr0baby showed in his video in Twitter. But the keyboard layout in aixterm is absolutely mad)), and is hard to use. xdm won't start at all on my system. Don't know why.

Alexander Shukin said...

Xephyr :1 -screen 800x600 ac in fact).

atar said...

Thanks for the feedback guys, looking at my OFW repository on GitHub ( which has just one star (effectively zero because the only one was given by a robot to all Forth-related projects) I thought there are no users for it. Even my qemu repository has 8 stars, I guess because there are more users interested in SPARC than in AIX/PReP.

Astr0baby said...

Installing the latest RPMs from works really well, one has to go through the RPM dependency hell on the aged AIX 5.1 but its well worth it. Michael Perzl has the up2date GCC compilers, tools and stuff to get one going researching this wonderful OS.

Alexander Shukin said...

I see 3 stars there at your repository now, Artyom. What does it depend on?

atar said...

It does Depend on the number of people clicked on the star icon. :-) It's the GitHub equivalent of "like".

Alexander Shukin said...

Didn't know). Now 4

Jason Stevens said...

Wow, totally awesome! I have AIX 4.3.3 running on my 2006 MacPro with the Linux Subystem on Windows 10!

Marlon José said...

40p currently has a memory limit of 192mb. Any chance of getting more memory?

Alexander Shukin said...

It makes no sense I think as AIX recognises only 128mb.

Marlon José said...

Alexander Shukin, I remember using AIX 4.3.3 with 2GB of memory.

atar said...

Yes, the 128MiB is the limit of the current OFW, not AIX. I was too lazy to implement memory detection. Y'know, 128 MiB should be enough to everyone, so atm it's hard coded. You can change and rebuild OFW if you want 192 MiB.

Concerning the memory limit: can you please check the 40p memory map? If there is a hole above 192MiB, the limit can be easily increased. But if there is something like PCI bus - alas. And if we can go above 512MiB it would be worth implementing OFW memory size auto-detection for me.

Marlon José said...


I dont know how to check the 40p memory map :(

But, you did a great job with this ofw, thank you very much.

atar said...

The memory map can either be found in the docs, or assuming that the QEMU 40p model is close enough to the reality, with "info mtree" in the qemu monitor.

But actually, how can the additional memory be utilized? 128 MiB was a lot at the time of AIX 4.3.3.

Marlon José said...


I remember running AIX 4.3.3 with 2GB of memory, and it was very useful for db applications. If I remember correctly, each process can use up to 2.5GB in that version.
PowerPC R601 used in 40p model support up to 2GB for sure.

More memory will help with performance of the file system and better performance in CDE.

Your work will help companies that have migrated from legacy systems based on AIX but need to keep servers running from time to time to access old data when needeed. These system require more memory.

I have my self an old f50, a h70 and a f80, if you need anything that I can help.

atar said...

I don't think there is an interest from the companies. Unlike with Solaris, no company contacted me to run any old stuff on AIX. I guess they either migrated to the newer IBM hardware and AIX versions, or migrated from AIX completely.

So, I mostly do it for the enthusiasts like Alex or Jayson. I remember CDE was quite slick on a SPARCstation with 32MiB of RAM. Was it not like this in the PPC world?

In any case building a PReP compatible machine emulation with more RAM and building OFW for it is not that difficult. I just have some other projects to work on.

Marlon José said...


Companies dont look for AIX emulation because it was historically never possible (except for very old version) and also because AIX executables remain compatible in newer versions (and maybe because AIX is still a commercial product so I am not sure if emulation is 100% legal).

Today it is easy to keep an old machine just to run something not business-critical. But I am seeing more and more machines failing (oxidation, capacitor failure, disk failure), and newer techs don't want to learn about these ancient systems - they are very different from a x86 platform.

I have some rpm for aix 4.3 and 5.1, and successfully installed bash (I hate ksh sorry), perl, apache, php, gcc in AIX 5.1 under qemu under debian in Windows 10 (WSL). AWESOME.

While writing this comment I Just mounted a NFS share and started a 1.8GB database and tried some queries. It was smoothly considering only 128mb of RAM.

qemu performance was on par with a PPC R601 (my machine has a Core i7).

Astr0baby said...

Actually you can do a lot with virtualized AIX 5.1 under qemu-system-ppc - I have just compiled
Prboom and can play Doom/Doom2 on it ... its quite snappy

Alexander Shukin said...

If someone's interested: HPUX can work in qemu-system-hppa now:

crnimrki said...

Any chance for network boot via nim . Idea is to try to install aix 5.3 from nim via rs6000 server.
Install from original install media does not work while problem with nonexistent boot partition.

Alexander Shukin said...

There is a video on how to install AIX via NIM server:
If I get it right, NIM server can be run off HMC(which can be run from, e.g., a virtual Windows or directly from VirtualBox).
I sometimes think about using HMC in VBox (have it installed already) for creating LPAR in qemu-system-ppc64 and next, for installing IBM System i in qemu. But haven't yet figured out how to establish network between qemu and VBox. Once it is done, HMC in VBox could be used for installing AIX via NIM as well.
Sadly, I couldn't yet get focused on this so far.((

atar said...

I haven't tried NIM, but even if it works it makes a little sense to do it with AIX 5.3 on the 40p emulation: this version has no drivers for PReP devices.

Weizhong Gong said...

Is this model of VM only 32bit machine?

Anonymous said...

what is the qemu version used in the article.
qemu-system-ppc --version

atar said...

@Anonymous The version which you'll get after building the branch 40p-20190406-aix-boots. Should work with the current master as well, since the patches have been accepted in the upstream.

atar said...

@Weizhong Gong yes, it's 32 bit only. I think there were no 64 bit PReP machines in the wild.

Unknown said...

I try to running qemu-system-ppc, the lastest 4.1.0 on fedora 30 and on Windows 7.
I have the trouble :
boot cdrom:2
boot device: /pci/scsi@1/disk@2,0:2 Arguments
AIX Version 5.1

and wait, wait, a night..

atar said...

Does it work any better if you do it with my 40p-20190406-aix-boots branch?

pviltard said...

Hello atar,
I git the branch
dnf install libfdt-devel
CC util/memfd.o
/home/prep/qemu-40p/qemu/util/memfd..c:40:12: (Sorry in french)
erreur: la déclaration statique de "memfd_create" suit une déclaration non statique
40 | static int memfd_create (const char *name, unsigned int flags)
Dans le fichier inclus depuis /usr/include/bits/mman-linux.h:111,
depuis /usr/include/bits/mman.h:34,
depuis /home/prep/qemu-40p/qemu/include/sysemu/os-posix.h:29,
depuis /home/prep/qemu-40p/qemu/include/qemu/osdep.h:104,
depuis /home/prep/qemu-40p/qemu/util/memfd.c:28:
/usr/include/bits/mman-shared.h:50:5 note: la déclaration précédente de "memfd_create" était ici
50 | int memfd_create (const char *__name, unsigned int __flags) __THROW;
make: *** [/home/prep/qemu-40p/qemu/rules.mak:69: util/memfd.o] Error 1

Best regards,

atar said...

@pviltard can you try building it with the FDT supplied with qemu? Actually for the PReP target FDT is not used, so any code which compiles should do.

atar said...

And, btw above I wrote that all the patches were accepted in the upstream which is not true. At least one patch is still not accepted (thanks to Mark for pointing this out), so for now you have to use my branch.

pviltard said...

Hello Artyom,

It is your branch :
git clone
Clonage dans 'qemu'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 398961, done.
remote: Total 398961 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 398961
Réception d'objets: 100% (398961/398961), 112.67 MiB | 19.67 MiB/s, fait.
Résolution des deltas: 100% (324304/324304), fait.
[root@JACOB qemu]# mkdir build
[root@JACOB qemu]# cd build
[root@JACOB qemu]# make
CC util/memfd.o
same error with static declaration memfd_create
best regards,

pviltard said...

Hello Artyom,

[root@JACOB build]# dnf remove libfdt-devel
Suppression de : libfdt-devel-1.4.7-3.fc30.x86_64 1/1
[root@JACOB build]# ../configure

ERROR: DTC (libfdt) version >= 1.4.2 not present. Your options:
(1) Preferred: Install the DTC (libfdt) devel package
(2) Fetch the DTC submodule, using:
git submodule update --init dtc

I choose the first option.
Best Regards,

Unknown said...

Hello Artyom

I could install and test aix5.1 successfully with QEMU emulator version 3.0.92/Fedora release 29.

But i am unable to install aix5.3 using similar steps.

What is the qemu recommended for aix5.3 and os
Pl provide some hint.

crnimrki said...

5.1 is last AIX on prep machine IMHO.
Higher you can not install on qemu, just 7.2 on 64 bit qemu when you have right install media :-) .


pviltard said...

Hello Artyom,
I don’t get a chance to see Qemu ppc work. I desintall version 4.1, installed the official version of fedora qemu.x86_64 2:3.1.1-2.fc30.
boot cdrom:2
MAC address
The MAC address in the EEPROM is invalid

Nothing there
Nothing there
Nothing there

normal ?


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeremy David said...

Hi guys,

I'm running AIX 4.3.3 off of a Debian 10 VM on an Ubuntu 18.04 Server. (On the Ubuntu Server, Virtualbox runs the Debian VM with a bridge adapter (PCnet-PCI II) on which QEMU is running AIX 4.3.3).
A static IP is assigned to the Debian VM through which the user can launch QEMU.
My end goal is just to be able to transfer files remotely through ftp or ssh on a static IP OR transfer files through the VM on some kind of shared drive.
AIX doesn't seem to detect my network adapter (it is not defined nor available, i only have loopback). I've tried multiple options for -net nic and -net tap.

1) Does anyone have any suggestions so that it detects my ethernet adapter? I was thinking of removing the Debian VM and running QEMU directly off the Ubuntu Server.

2) Is there a way to use a directory on the Debian VM as a shared folder with QEMU? (In this case, configuring the network is not necessary)

I would appreciate any help.

atar said...

I haven't tried the networking under AIX 4.3.3, but it's likely to be the same as under 5.1. Have you tried to use the odmchange trick described in the how-to?

pierre said...

Good evening and happy new year

I am interested for AIX working in qemu. Now i know with your work
i can have 5.1 version of AIX working. I have a little problem I can't make
the net work. So i can't go further. I have a qemu version of your GIT on
WINDOWS 7 compiled by myself with MSYS2 for 32 bits because i ahve a 32 bits
WINDOWS 7 machine. So i can install AIX51 directly.
Now i am blocked with the configuration of the Network. I hope for the new year
have an AIX 51 working on my old PC with qemu. I like to work with WIN7 32 bits
because i am an old man.

Thanks for making a dream a real reallity

Best regards

atar said...

The user networking (SLIRP) should work just the same as described for Linux.

pierre said...

Good morning

Yes The user networking (SLIRP) work on Debian 9.3.0 on a VMWARE
machine on WIN 7 ans so we can install openssh on the AIX5.1 guest
Then we can use the qcow2 file to transfert on the AIX5.1 on qemu
installed on the WIN 7 machine. Then you cant boot AI5.1 without the
SLIRP interface but with the follwing instructions
-L pc-bios -net nic,model=pcnet -net user,hostfwd=tcp::5555-:23,hostfwd=tcp::7777-:22
so you can use Putty and Winscp on the WIN 7 machine.
For the WINSCP configuration ypu must use the SFTP protocol
with the Advance configuration for the session with
no optimiser la taille du tampon de connexion et 120 secondes avant
Time out
So you can transfer what you want from the WIN 7 to the AI5.1 guest
Thanks a lot

William said...


Is there any way to attach it more than 7 virtual disks? When a I try to do that, Qemu displays "machine type does not support if=scsi,bus=1,unit=[0,1,2...]" message for each aditional virtual drive and quits.


atar said...

It should be possible to add another SCSI adapter and attach to it 7 more disks, but I haven't tested it. I think you'll need adding residual data to the second scsi node manually in order to make it visible for AIX. It's been a while, but I think I added them only for the first adapter. OTOH they were necessary to make it bootable, maybe a non-bootable adapter would be detected with the residual data automatically generated for PCI devices.

Out of curiosity, why do you need more than 7 disks?

William said...

Thanks for replying, @atar. It's just for testing purposes.
At this time I'm trying to get e1000 virtual card and 64bit kernel working. Is it possible? Best regards.

atar said...

Do you have AIX 5.1 drivers for e1000? Then it should work. BTW I would be grateful if you point to location where to get them.

I don't think a 64 bit kernel would work with PReP: there were no 64 bit PReP machines produced by IBM, afaik.

gregogr81 said...

Hi all and amazing work!

Have any of you made network to work in 4.3.3? I can see the ethernet appear during boot but the card is not recognised, i have tested with pcnet and e2k variants to no avail...

Command to start aix
ppc-softmmu/qemu-system-ppc -M 40p -bios q40pofw-serial.rom -serial telnet::4441,server -hda aix-hdd.qcow2 -vga none -nographic -netdev tap,id=mynet0 -device pcnet,netdev=mynet0

Telnet output with ethernet present.
First stand-init:
CIF buffers
DHCP init
memory node
Instruction cache on
Enable machine check exceptions
Set Memory Map
Root node
Data cache on
Fast CPU mode
PCI host bridge
CPU nodes
Initialize fixed vars
Keyboard overrides
Memory node
MAC address
The MAC address in the EEPROM is invalid
security-mode = none
Setting configuration variables to default values.

Nothing there
Nothing there
Nothing there
scsi disk tape
QEMU PReP/40p, Serial #0, 128 MiB memory installed
Open Firmware, built April 13, 2019 09:29:23
Copyright (c) 1995-2000, FirmWorks.
Copyright (c) 2014,2017,2019 Artyom Tarasenko.

atar said...

I haven't tried it specifically with 4.3.3, but pcnet should work. Have you checked the busio value with odmget as it's suggested in the how-to? Maybe it's broken just like in 5.1?

gregogr81 said...

Thank you for your answer, I got it working by reinstalling the system starting with the card enabled, a package was installed that had the drivers and with the patch workaround in the how to above it works flawlessly!

Now on to another question, I have a disk imaged from a Bull Estrella 350 machine, that machine had open firmware 1.2 RM11 which I converted to qcow2 format. When it boots I get the following error:

This release of AOS does not support this hardware revision.

Please contact your sales representative for the hardware
requirements for this release.

Power-cycle or reset to return to the firmware prompt.

Is there a way to upgrade the image or modify some file to be able to boot it with this firmware?

Thank you!!

atar said...

Tricky. I was able to boot a PowerStack image up to NFS mount (it's unfortunately mounted on boot in my image, and fails hard if can't find the server, making the image effectively useless). But as I recall I had to modify qemu: the interrupt maps are different. Don't remember the details. Maybe I did it because I tried with the Motorola firmware first.

After AOS the AIX 5.1 was much easier to debug because it had a built in KDB and the ability to turn logging on, so I switched to it.

One thing to check is the machine type: AOS check's it on the boot, so qemu-prep is not going to work. Another thing is the chipset type. Although qemu emulates Motorola chipset, the IBM AIX won't boot if it sees it, so my firmware lies that it's an Intel one.

Bull has a Motorola mainboard, right?

Mototola guys didn't get the concept of OFW back then. Instead of creating the residual data via the firmware (the Powerstack II Utah firmware had the necessary tools for it, but they were not used), the Motorola engineers modified AIX bootloader to generate this data, and I think this residual data were mostly hardcoded. Otherwise it would have been possible to boot the unmodified IBM AIX on the Motorola machines (this is what effecively happens in qemu with my firmware).

It should be possible to attach a debugger, see where the AOS IPL fails and find out what is it missing. But that would require some time and skills.

Why do you want to have the AOS? Does it have any features which AIX 4.x doesn't have? Is it not compatible with AIX 4.x?

gregogr81 said...

Yes it is a motorola mainboard, what I'm trying to do is save a working AIX 4.3 system whose hardware is 25years old. The goal is to ideally have it virtualized to preserve it without the need to rely on hardware not easily replaced.

Can you elaborate the machine type check? Is it possible to modify it in the files of the system?
Also what about the debbuger? Is it a documented process?

Thank you again for your time!

atar said...

Connecting gdb to qemu is documented in the qemu documentation. I don't have any documentation on AOS IPL.

Concerning the machine check, take a look here: Estrella AIX may require some other constants, but you'll get the idea.

Wouldn't it be easier to perform a fresh install of the IBM AIX 4.3 and copy the stuff from your image to that fresh image?

gregogr81 said...

Yes it would be easier to install if I had all the applications in order to install.. thank you for the link and guidelines, I'll report back with my findings, maybe it'll help another one as well!

gregogr81 said...

I have installed 4.3.3 with success configured network by using your patch and smitty to set it correctly and it works every time! Is it possible to make the machine boot from the hard disk and run as a daemon? Is it implemented or possible?

For anyone with 4.3.3 the key is to create the tap interfaces correctly for my environment I used the commands:

tunctl -t tap0 -u `whoami`
brctl addif br0 tap0
ifconfig tap0 up

After that I start with:

qemu-system-ppc -M 40p -bios q40pofw-serial.rom -serial telnet::4441,server -hda aix-hdd.qcow2 -vga none -netdev tap,ifname=tap0,id=mynet0,script=no -device pcnet,netdev=mynet0,mac=00:00:00:11:11:11 -daemonize

Which after I login to console runs in the background.

2 things I believe are missing:

The ability to boot from disk without intervention
The ability to run the VM at the host startup

All and all, pretty happy as it works now!

Can't thank you enough!

gregogr81 said...

Hi again! Is it possible to get more RAM? I know 4.3.3 is capable of using more than 384MB of RAM in some DB applications.

atar said...

In principle it's possible. The current value of 128 MiB is hardcoded in the OFW, but you can change it and recompile. To get more than 384 you also need to modify QEMU. I don't remember whether the limit of 384 is artificial or is caused by a device residing at 384MiB. If that's a device, it probably should be possible to move it somewhere higher. I think it's possible to build a PReP machine with at least 1GiB RAM. Then you would need to change the OFW residual data to match the physical (well, actually virtual) map.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for this; we acatually have a need to emulate AIX 4.1.2 - i need to get networking functioning under QEMU but when i attempt to startup the QEMU AIX emulator i get the following errors:
root@qemu-emu-template:/var/lib/qemu# ppc-softmmu/qemu-system-ppc -M 40p -bios q40pofw-serial.rom -serial telnet::4441,server -hda aix-hdd.qcow2 -vga none -nographic -netdev tap,id=mynet0 -device pcnet,netdev=mynet0 -cdrom /home/vdrmaint/Volmue_1.iso
qemu-system-ppc: network script /etc/qemu-ifup failed with status 256

I am unsure how to go about setting up networking in QEMU is there a simple way with Ubuntu? I'm builiding a guide on the subject and would like to get this online in short order.

Thanks again for all your wonderful work.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to ask;
We have production servers on H50's running with 3GB of Ram (that's the upper limit for AIX 4.1) I could drop a memory map if needed. I'd need a hand and some direction on how to recompile the firmware though.

Also I'd need a hand with the Network setup as well.

I'd be willing to pay you for your time.

atar said...

Contact me at

felipe said...

Hi Atar,

Thank you very much for the blog, it really help me to install AIX in my laptop. I have some problem with, the last part with the networking.

I am running Debian8 Jessie

When I am trying to configure the network , I have the next error:
I am running IAX 4.3

cat > lance-chg.asc

It does not do anything

remdev -l ent0
ent0 Defined
mkdev -l ent 0
ent0 Avaliable

ifconfig en0

0821-510 ifconfig: error calling entry point for /usr/lib/drivers/if_en: Cannot establish connection to a remote service.

Do you know how to fix this error. I have been trying to find the solution but I have not found anything in internet.


atar said...

@felipe, "cat > file" is used to write some lines into the file, just like in any unix/linux. Then control-d is used to tell that all the lines are written. You can check the content of the file with "cat file". After you created the file you have to run "odmchange" as written in the how-to.

CheekiBreeki95 said...

Whenever I type boot cdrom:2 it first says :

Boot device: /scsi/disk@2:2 Arguments:
Rebooting in the correct mode for this client program ...

Type 'i' to interrupt stand-init sequence

and then when I type it again it returns this:

Boot device: /pci/ide/disk@2,0:2 Arguments:

Can't open boot device

What have I done wrong? I followed all the steps apart from changing the paths for the files

atar said...

Don't press 'i', this is a feature for debugging OFW itself.

CheekiBreeki95 said...

I tried .partions and .partions cdrom and both return

and when I try boot cdrom, load cdrom, boot cdrom:1 or load cdrom:1 I get

Boot device: /scsi/disk@2: Arguments:
The attempt to load a boot image failed.


Boot device: /scsi/disk@2:1 Arguments:
The attempt to load a boot image failed.

I've also tried load cdrom:2 and its the same thing as boot
Im running a windows 10 home machine with 10gbs of RAM

CheekiBreeki95 said...

No matter what I try it always comes back saying the same thing

atar said...

1. It's ".partitions" , not ".partions".
2. What is the AIX version you are trying to boot?
3. Are you sure you are using my qemu branch and not the upstream one? The upstream qemu won't boot AIX/PReP at the moment.

Michelle Laverick said...

I'm finding it doesn't find the CD-ROM....

atar said...

Are you using my branch of QEMU or the upstream? What ISO are you using and what error do you get?

CheekiBreeki95 said...

I've since upgraded computers and kind of forgot about this but I'm going to try on my new computer and see if it works

subbu said...

hi every one \
please help me ...any one have aix 5.3,5.1,5.2,6.1,6.2,7.1 and 7.2 iso file please send me link for download
i am learn aix
my mail id :

Steff said...

Hello Artyom, I'm trying to install AIX 4.3.3 on Qemu 3.0.0 (I've chosen that since it works with Solaris 2.6).

My command is the following:

qemu-system-ppc -boot d -m 192 -M 40p -bios q40pofw-serial.rom -drive file=aix4.img,bus=0,unit=0,media=disk,format=raw -drive file=/opt/_daJD/Volume_1.iso,bus=0,unit=2,media=cdrom -vga none -nographic

The error output, network settings or not, is the following:

ok .partitions cdrom
Partition Region Boot Format Size (MB)

1 Primary Yes 0x96 630
2 Primary Yes 0x41 3
ok boot cdrom:2
Boot device: /scsi/disk@2:2 Arguments:
Rebooting in the correct mode for this client program ...

Type 'i' to interrupt stand-init sequence
First stand-init:
CIF buffers
DHCP init
memory node
Instruction cache on
Enable machine check exceptions
Set Memory Map
Root node
Data cache on
Fast CPU mode
PCI host bridge
CPU nodes
Initialize fixed vars
Keyboard overrides
Memory node
MAC address
The MAC address in the EEPROM is invalid

Nothing there
Nothing there
Nothing there
scsi disk tape
QEMU PReP/40p, Serial #0, 128 MiB memory installed
Open Firmware, built April 13, 2019 09:29:23
Copyright (c) 1995-2000, FirmWorks.
Copyright (c) 2014,2017,2019 Artyom Tarasenko.

Rebooting with command: boot /pci/scsi@1/disk@2,0:2
Boot device: /pci/scsi@1/disk@2,0:2 Arguments:
GPR0 00000000 2FF3AEC0 00245B50 D2182ABC 00000000 00000001 2F0B2A6A 00000000
GPR8 3B9ACA00 FD2C4BFF 00000004 00000001 0002B28C DEADBEEF 00000004 2FF22E4C
GPR24 00000001 0026DD10 00000001 00000000 869530B3 000DFA40 00000000 5001E080

MSR 00021032 CR 24222442 LR 0002B28C CTR 00000000 MQ 00000000
XER 00000008 SRR0 0002B24C SRR1 00021032 DSISR 42000000 DAR 00000000

IAR 0002B24C (ORG+0002B24C) ORG=00000000 Mode: VIRTUAL
0002B240 38A00001 4082FFAC 4099FF7C 0C870000 |8...@...@..|....|
| tweqi r7,0x0
0002B250 41850188 38A00000 0C850000 3C843B9B |A...8.......<.;.|

0002B240 38A00001 4082FFAC 4099FF7C 0C870000 |8...@...@..|....|
0002B250 41850188 38A00000 0C850000 3C843B9B |A...8.......<.;.|
0002B260 3000FFFF 3884CA00 7C030010 7C862010 |0...8...|...|. .|
0002B270 480000F8 80030220 7C9F0040 41860148 |H...... |..@A..H|
0002B280 93E30220 38610040 4BFDB1D9 801F0024 |... 8a.@K......$|
0002B290 80610040 7C801800 41840018 809F0028 |.a.@|...A......(|
0002B2A0 80C10044 4086FF60 7C043000 40800020 |...D@..`|.0.@.. |

Illegal Trap Instruction Interrupt in Kernel

Where am I mistaken? Many thanks.

Steff said...


1) Using Qemu 3.0.0 and Aix 5.1 the output is the following:

AIX Version 5.1
Illegal Trap Instruction Interrupt in Kernel
.reset_decr+00014C twnei r5,0 r5=00000001

2) Using Qemu 5.1.0 (or 6.0.0) and Aix 5.1 the installation stops at:

AIX Version 5.1

and 8 minutes later is still there.

Steff said...

I'm EXTREMELY sorry, my insomnia doesn't help me: I didn't catch there is *your* custom branch to install.

So, after finding the necessary information somewhere on the web and installing your "40p-20190406-aix-boots", both the AIX 5.1 and 4.3.3 installation succeded.

Instead, using AIX 4.3.3 with the q40pofw-vga.rom bios it doesn't boot.

Many thanks for your great work.

Fert said...

hi all,

I've installed Artyoms build of qemu* and "my" AIX 4.3 / 5.1 boots fine.

*) git clone \
--branch 40p-20190406-aix-boots \

But I always got this error message:
ifconfig en0 netmask
ifconfig: error calling entry point for /usr/lib/drivers/if_en: Cannot establish
connection to a remote service.

My qemu calling is:
/usr/local/qemu.aix.q40/bin/qemu-system-ppc \
-M 40p \
-bios q40pofw-vga.rom \
-hda root.qcow2 \
-display gtk \
-cdrom aix-4.3.3.iso \
-prom-env "mac=12:34:56:78:00:00:00:00" \
-net nic,macaddr=de:ad:be:ef:42:23 -net tap,script=no,ifname=tap0

Of course I had tried the odmchange-hack described here, but without any success
# cat > lance-chg.asc
name = "ent0"
attribute = "busio"
value = "0x01000000"
type = "O"
generic = "D"
rep = "nr"
nls_index = 3
# odmchange -o CuAt -q "name=ent0 and attribute=busio" lance-chg.asc
# rmdev -l ent0
# mkdev -l ent0
# ifconfig en0

Is it possible to use networking inside artyoms qemu verstion at all?

atar said...

I think your parameter -prom-env "mac=12:34:56:78:00:00:00:00" doesn't make any AIX-visible effect.
I haven't tested tap networking which you are using, but user mode networking worked just like described in the How-to. In the beginning of your message it complains about, later you use Does it complain about

Vlad said...

Just wondering, if anyone thought about trying running it in the IBM official Power Simulator instead of the QEMU?

The scripts are running the linux image. But it should be possible to run AIX as well.
After all, the mambo is used internally in IBM for the purpose.

Fert said...

Thanks for your response. I've checked some things again.

(1) of course, 12:34:56:78:00:00:00:00 is not a valid mac address, mac addresses
have 6 octets. But it makes no difference if I use this statement or not.

(2) using 'user' mode instead of tap does not help. Even changing the IP address
to the 10.x.x.x subnet makes no difference.

I am afraid I did something terribly wrong, but what?

Question to Artyom: Are there deep changes inside your build? I tried to build the official qemu version using soft mpu too - but without success.

atar said...

Since people keep PMing me, I'll answer it here for everyone.

Yes, this build is different from the upstream qemu version. You can see the exact differences in the commit history.

No, the upstream qemu can not run AIX 4.x - 5.x.

Stef said...

Hello Artiom,

I'm trying to run your 40p-20190406-aix-boots on Slackware 15.

It builds with some warnings like: "taking address of packed member of ‘’ may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Waddress-of-packed-member]".

After that, launching qemu-system-ppc I get the following error:

qemu-3.0.92-40p-20190406-aix-boots/util/cacheinfo.c:179: init_cache_info: Assertion `(isize & (isize - 1)) == 0' failed.

Any chances to fix that? many thanks.

Stef said...

Artyom, not Artiom. I'm _SO_ sorry.

Steff said...

I've found my mistake, thank you anyway.

AliReza said...

It possible to use two network cards for AIX at the same time? How are the settings?(en0 , en1)

atar said...

@AliReza, I haven't tried that, but it should work. Why do you want to have two cards?

AliReza said...

I will try one Power PC Simulate the network with multiple cards.
How much "value" should be? Is another change necessary?

# cat > lance-chg.asc
name = "ent۱"
attribute = "busio"
value = ؟
type = "O"
generic = "D"
rep = "nr"
nls_index = 3
# odmchange -o CuAt -q "name=ent۱ and attribute=busio" lance-chg.asc